Interim City Manager Notice - Harmful Covid Trend-Line in Dillingham & Appeal to be Covid-Careful and Take Care of Each Other: Our Elders, Spouses, Siblings, Friends and Work-Mates
Interim City Manager Notice - Harmful Covid Trend-Line in Dillingham & Appeal to be Covid-Careful and Take Care of Each Other: Our Elders, Spouses, Siblings, Friends and Work-Mates [Posted Feb. 17, 2021]
Since February 3, 2021, in Dillingham, we’ve seen a disturbing spike in publicly reported Covid-positive cases. We never had more than 4 positive cases/day except twice, more than 2 ½ months ago: Nov. 17 and 21, 2020. In that last 2 months, we never had even 2 cases/day, except twice: Nov. 28 and Dec. 5. Except for those two days, we never had more than 1 case/day: Nov. 22, 2020 – February 2, 2021.
Extraordinarily, starting 2 weeks ago, our cases multiplied dramatically: seven cases on Feb. 3, six cases on Feb. 5, and two cases/day on each of Feb. 10, 13 and 16 – a total of 19 cases in the past two weeks. This current trendline suggests this pattern may continue as there may be more cases in the community that have not yet been identified. It is up to each of us to stop this growth in Covid cases and to TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER.