Bids and RFPs

Attention: Contractors and Specialty Service Providers. The City of Dillingham is establishing a list of firms and individuals interested in submitting proposals to perform small construction and services contracts referred to as "open market contracts and purchases." Click here for more information.

Please Note: Under the Conditions for Offering and Acceptance, in City ITB/RFPs, The City reserves the right to revise or clarify the Request for Proposal/Bid, respond to questions, and/or extend or shorten the due date of proposals. Bidders should familiarize themselves with the full list of conditions provided in the RFP/ITB document for each solicitation (see links below).

RFPs Table
Title Bid/RFP Closing Date Bid/RFP Status Files View
2025-01 Furnish Petroleum Fuels FY26 04/11/2025 - 4:00pm Open - accepting bids and proposals View Details