Public Works Announcement- Alaska DOT has implemented weight restrictions effective 3.17.25 at 0800 hrs.  Our streets will be at 75% of legal allowable weight and shall be applied to the maximum axle loading.



S Issue Date: March 11, 2025

Weight restrictions are stated as a percentage of legal allowable weight and shall be applied to the maximum axle loading of 17 AAC 25.013(e).

The Central Region boundaries extend from Homer on the Sterling Highway and Seward on the Seward Highway to Mile 118 on the Glenn Highway and Mile 163 on the Parks Highway. The Dillingham and Bethel road systems are also included within the Central Region.

Effective Monday, March 17, 2025, at 8:00 A.M. The following State maintained roads are restricted to the following:


The following roads are restricted to 100% of legal axle load, no overloads:

- Sterling Hwy: o MP 37 to MP 44 o MP 55 to MP 157 o MP 169 to MP 175

- Seward Hwy: o MP 0 to MP 26 o MP 37 to MP 75

- Kenai Spur Hwy: MP 5 to MP 38.4

- Swanson River Rd

The following roads are restricted to 85% of legal axle load with 100% legal axle loads allowed on the drive axles of approved Long Combination Vehicles (LCV) of 90’ or more with at least 2 trailers on the following roads (no overloads), unless otherwise indicated:

- Sterling Hwy: o MP 44 to MP 55 o MP 157 to MP 169

- Seward Hwy: MP 26 to MP 37

- Kenai Spur Hwy: MP 0 to MP 5 - Bridge Access Rd

- Kalifornsky Beach Rd

The following roads are restricted to 50% of legal axle load, no overloads:

- Old Seward Spur

All State maintained paved roads in the Kenai Peninsula area (south of Seward Highway MP 75 at Ingram Creek Bridge) – 75%

All State maintained gravel roads in the Kenai Peninsula area (south of Seward Highway MP 75 at Ingram Creek Bridge) – 50%

All State maintained paved and gravel roads in Dillingham area – 75%

Additional restrictions and modifications will be imposed as necessary.

Authorized Weight restrictions will only be posted on the DOT&PF Division of Measurement and Standards and Commercial Vehicle Enforcement (MSCVE) webpage. Weight Restrictions posted on 511 or any other posting are for information only. The most recent published public notice will supersede any conflicting information from other sources. Public Notices can be found at: click on “Measures & Commercial Vehicles” then under the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement tab click on “Weight Restrictions” go to the middle of the page and click on “Central Region” than open the most recent Central Region listing.

The Department of Public Safety and the DOT/PF Division of Measurement and Standards and Commercial Vehicle Enforcement will be enforcing these restrictions.

Issued By: Burrell Nickeson, Central Region Maintenance and Operations, Phone: 907-269-0757, Fax: 907-248-1573, Email: